The video clip of a gay activist throwing glitter at Republican Presidential Candidate Michelle Bachmann during her speech at the 2011 Right Online conference in Minneapolis is very troubling. Where was Congresswoman Bachmann’s security detail?
It was only harmless glitter this time, but that’s not the point. The Congresswoman is a high profile and polarizing political figure. That a woman with an object in her hand could so obviously and easily approach the dais unchallenged while the Congresswoman was speaking reflects quite poorly on those charged with her safety. What if the woman had been a better shot and the projectile was acid instead of glitter? What if the attacker had a gun? Remember Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords?
A similar attack happened recently to Republican Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlanty during a book signing in San Francisco. Again, women carrying containers of glitter were allowed to approach close enough to douse the former Minnesota Governor before security personnel could act.
Back in May Republican Presidential Candidate and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and his wife where "glittered" at a speaking engagement.
Fortunately, these glitter attacks were all harmless. That might not be the case next time. For anyone in the public eye effective proactive security can be quite literally a matter of life and death.
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